Weighted Power Bag
- • Introduced in 2003, Sand Bags/Weighted Bags are a totally functional ‘use anywhere’ soft to touch weight system.
- • Although initially developed for elite sport and used by the England Rugby World cup winning squad, they were formally adopted by our armed forces.
- • Trialled at DMRC Headley Court in early 2006, Sand Bag /Weighted Bag went on to be used in Iraq and Afghanistan not only with medical rehab teams but also utilized by the Royal Marines and Parachute Regiments as part of their physical training resources in theater.
- • There are currently over 4000 Sand Bag /Weighted Bag being used by the Royal Navy,Royal Marines,Army and RAF globally.
- • Available in 5kg, 10kg, 15kg, 20kg
- • Dimension: 54cmx23cmx23cm
- • Package size: 57cmx27cmx27cm